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WordPress Accessibility

Go Beyond Accessibility and Improve Usability

True Accessibility Support all in One Place

AllAccessible combines WCAG Compliance Tools, Auditing, Usability Editing, and Management.

Pre-Set Accessibility Profiles

Our accessibility profiles include the perfect combination of accessibility modes to create a browsing experience that addresses the users’ needs. We address common accessibility challenges such as:

  • Color Blindness Seizure Safe
  • Vision Impaired
  • Cognitive Disability
  • ADHD Friendly
  • Assistive Navigation
AllAccessible Preset Profiles for website accessibility demonstration

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AllAccessible Content Control for website accessibility demonstration

Content Control Features

Our control panel allows users to modify and highlight text on the page. Each control gives the user the ability to modify font elements independently, as well as magnify and zoom content to help make it more legible. Additionally, we’ve included a font that aides individuals with dyslexia.

  • Content Scaling
  • Text Magnifier
  • Readable Font
  • Dyslexia Friendly
  • Highlight Titles
  • Highlight Links
  • Font Sizing
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Font Alignment.

Design Control Features

Color combinations and color saturation levels may prove to be problematic for certain users. We’ve included a complete set of tools that allows the user to adjust contrast and color modes at the page level and at the element level.

  • Dark Contrast
  • Invert Colors
  • Light Contrast
  • Monochrome
  • High Contrast
  • High Saturation
  • Low Saturation
  • Text Color Adjustment
  • Title Color Adjustment
  • Background Color Adjustment
AllAccessible Design Control for website accessibility demonstration

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AllAccessible Orientation Control for website accessibility demonstration

Content Control Features

Our orientation control toolset allows users to turn down the noise and digest content in a manner that is best for them. Some websites may have imagery or animations that can be distracting to readers, we’ve included tools to hide and/or stop those distractions, as well as highlight text and stay on the right line with reading guides.

  • Mute Sounds
  • Hide Images
  • Virtual Keyboard
  • Reading Guide
  • Stop Animations
  • Reading Mask
  • Highlight on Hover
  • Highlight on Focus
  • Large Cursor
  • Text to Speech
  • Navigation with Keys

AI Powered WCAG Compliance Audits

AllAccessible is constantly scanning your pages to ensure all existing and newly added content is reviewed for WCAG compliance.

Accessibility Auditing

We compare your website's code to the standard of WCAG 2.1 level AA. Your entire site will be reviewed and all findings will be reported to you within your dashboard.

Ai Accessibility Remediation

Our Ai Remediation component takes the data from the Accessibility Audit and makes minor adjustments to correct the issues found - making your page WCAG compliant. All adjustments are non-invasive and do not touch your website's codebase.

Run a Free Accessibility Scan.

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